Monthly Archives: January 2013

“Coreopsis” is coming back into publication

Hello colleagues, I am overjoyed to tell all of you that my peer review
journal, Coreopsis, is coming back into publication. The submission
period is open for 2013 – We go “live” on February 14 on our new site under
the academic wing of Concrescent Press in Berkeley, Ca. There will be two
issues in 2013: Spring/Summer published April 29 and Fall/Winter published
October 29.
  • Spring/Summer 2013: Musing upon Euterpe: Electric and Acoustic Music of Our Times. Deadline: Feb 29.
  • Fall/Winter 2013: Theme: Penny tae th’ Guisers: An examination of medieval performance before 1400. Deadline for submissions: July 1.
This page goes “live” on February 14:  There will be two issues in 2013: Spring/Summer published April 29 and Fall/Winter published October 29.   If you wish to become more directly involved in the journal in some additional or “hands on” capacity, please contact me at this address ( Spring/Summer 2013: Vol 2 # 4: Musing upon Euterpe: Electric and Acoustic Music of Our Times.  Suggested subjects include, but are not limited to, music of the ancients, music and mythology, music in myth and theater, Pagan and traditional music, and modern mythical topic within popular and folk music. Please submit drafts of between 3,000 and 10,000 words to: coreopsisjournalofmyththeatre_at_gmail(dot)com by February 25 (extended to Feb. 29). Publication date: April 29. Peer reviewers for this issue are also being sought.  Reba Wissner, Ph.D. will be guest editing this issue.CFP Fall/Winter 2013: Vol 2 # 4: Vol. 3; Number 4 Fall/Winter 2013. Deadline for submissions: July 1. (Announcements and reviews can a be a bit more flexible.) Theme: Penny tae th’ Guisers: An examination of medieval performance before 1400.  Suggested subjects include, but are not limited to, mummers and guisers; sagas, eddas, and lays: troubadours and trouveres, bards and the Bardic tradition; passion plays, folk plays  Of particular interest is the theatre of the Beguine mystics of the 12-13th centuries. As Example: Hildegard von Bingen Ordo Virtutum and Mechtild von Magdeburg Das fließende Licht der Gottheit, with some discussion of revivals and re-enactors.  Preference given to papers examining the areas of folk magic, magico-religious elements, and the sacred performance of monastic orders and/or Beguine traditions of the era. Peer reviewers for this issue are also being sought. Deadline for submission: August 15. Publication date: October 29.

Please prepare your submission as follows:

Queries and submissions: Editor(s) coreopsisjournalofmyththeatre@_at_gmail(dot)com

Announcements can be more flexible.
Open to younger scholars and working artists as well as
established academics.
Queries and submissions: Editor(s)
There is space for three more papers in the spring 2013 issue. Full CFP: “Coreopsis" is a
multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal dedicated to humanistic scholarship
in the arts of sacred performance in areas of interest that include – but,
are not limited to – ritual studies, liturgical considerations, musicology
and composition, dance, folklore, mythology, historical research, theatre
arts (including technical aspects), mythopoetics, ethnography and selected
areas of psychology, brain science, neuraesthetics, cybernetics and the
science of thought, shamanic studies, and consciousness.